Providing Reasonable Accommodations for All Students
Accommodations can be provided to all students during all levels of learning.
Many students with disabilities come to your class with accommodations that have been proven to work for most students that have been identified with a specific disability. Luckily many accommodations have been shown to benifit most students with or without identified disabiities.
What do I need to provide for students who don’t learn the same as I did?
Listen to audio recordings instead of reading text
Learn content from audiobooks, movies, videos, and digital media instead of reading print
Work with fewer items per page or line
Work with text in a larger print size
Have a “designated reader”
Hear instructions spoken aloud
Record a lesson, instead of taking notes
Get class notes from another student
See an outline of a lesson
Use visual presentations of verbal material, such as word webs
Get a written list of instructions
Visuals in place of written text
Focused notes or outlines
Delivery of instruction in a variety of formats
Speech-to-text devices
Text-to-speech devices
Chunking material
Graphic organizers or visual organizers
Waiting-time (student response time)
Establishing extra communication between the teacher, student, and involving their parents.
Applying positive reinforcement behavior strategies
How does the student show what they know?
Give responses in a way (spoken or written) that meets the student's learning strengths
Dictate answers to a scribe who writes or types
Capture responses on an audio recorder
Use a spelling dictionary or digital spellchecker
Use a word processor to type notes or give answers in class
Use a calculator or table of “math facts”
Paraphrasing information to prove understanding
Repeat directions and information aloud
What do I need to think about when setting up my physical space?
Work in a different setting, such as a quiet room with few distractions
Sit where they learn best (for example, near the teacher, near a peer model, back to distractions)
Use special lighting or acoustics
Take a test in a small group setting
Use sensory tools such as an exercise band that can be looped around a chair’s legs
Visual cues or supports
Supplemental supports in addition to written text
Microphones for the teacher to wear to project their voice
What if my students have Executive Functioning Challenges?
Take more time to complete a task or a test
Have extra time to process spoken information and directions
Take frequent breaks, such as after completing a worksheet
Take more time to complete a project
Take a test in several timed sessions or over several days
Take sections of a test in a different order
Take a test at a specific time of day
Use visual alarm to help with time management
Mark texts with a highlighter
Use a planner or organizer to help coordinate assignments
Receive specific instruction in student skills